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General Charles Earl Cornwallis

“The Old Fox Hunter”

American History Alive is proud to announce the addition of General Charles Earl Cornwallis to its repertoire of major 18th century military interpretations.

Lord Cornwallis tells the story of his exploits as a subordinate under Generals William Howe and Sir Henry Clinton.  It is entitled “Audacity without a Strategy.”  Cornwallis was an excellent battlefield tactician and fearless leader.  But he ran into problems when dealing with his commander-in-chief, General Clinton.  Cornwallis relates his part in Great Britain’s southern campaign to subjugate the colonies.  The headstrong Cornwallis, however, thought he knew what was best for British forces in America.  His strategy eventually landed him in a siege he could not win at Yorktown. 

Both General Cornwallis and General John “Gentleman Johnny” Burgoyne are available for classroom presentations and other events.

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